Philosophy exam

Like other high school students in the world, French students need to take a college entrance exam. The first subject is philosophy, which is different from other countries who often place language as the first subject.

“Je pense, donc je suis.” I am very interested in their questions.

This year, their questions are:

For general test:

  1. La science peut-elle satisfaire notre besoin de vérité ? 

2. L’État nous doit-il quelque chose? 

3. Le commentaire de texte, un extrait de La Condition ouvrière de Simone Weil

For STEM majors:

  1. La nature est-elle hostile à l’homme ? 

2. L’artiste est-il maître de son travail ? 

3. Le commentaire de texte, un extrait du livre IX des Lois de Platon.

I have to give up question #3, because I never read La Condition ouvrière or Platon, Lois, livre IX. How shallow I am!

It seems both questions are about laws. The questions intend to test students’ judge on law and human rights, I suppose?